Monday, August 07, 2006


Thursday morning I leave for cheerleading camp. It is tradition that the Seniors every year pull, at least, one big prank on the underclassmen. We've had the normal taking of things and having them hung in trees, or suran wrap/duck taped stuff, it's time for something outside the box!
I need your help!
Please leave a comment of suggestions of something that would not be too mean, it's all in fun, of a few pranks we can pull. I would also like to pull a few on my coaches this year... So, leave lots of comments, they could be ideas you have, or just a funny story of something that happened to you.

Happy Commenting!


jessica said...

Things in shoes
unscrewing light bulbs
stuff on door knobs
very large underpants- I mean VERY large hanging around
Of corse I NEVER did anything like this ok I just never got caught. Ill keep thinkin.

Anonymous said...

how mean do you want to be? i've got great suggestions!

Morgan said...

not too mean, i don't want to make them cry... just scared of us. jkjk