Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Margeaux and I during Senior Prank.
Part One: Getting into the rooms. Every year the seniors skip out of the day’s activities… that’s when they attack. We were always able to tell when the seniors were doing this because they made sure when the group split off that the seniors had the team bag with all of the keys in it. Quite obvious! But this year we had a younger team so they didn't suspect it, and even the team veterans, didn't see it because they kept the team bag and checked to make sure their keys were in it. dundundun...! They never saw it coming!
Part Two: The clothes.


Part Three: Saran Wrap. (The toilets and shower heads.) Part Four: Mattresses. We took all of the underclassmen's mattresses and moved them into a little cubby in the common area, except for the two that wouldn't fit.

Me & Amanda.

The Team! This pic was taken on our third day of camp after our morning evaluations.

Performing during the final day for the parents.

Camp Champs! The seniors of the camp are judged and picked for this award. Were also given the oppertunity to try out for the Champion Staff. (Champion Cheerleading is what the camp is called) For the first time in the camps 20 year history a boy was awarded Camp Champ during our camp session.

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