Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Pictures from awhile ago, I just didn't get to posting them...

Mine and Matt's pumpkin is on the far right... Yes, it is the pumpkin eating a pumpkin...


R£DZ said...

Hope you don't mind me stealing the last picture. I really enjoyed that night and will remember it forever. Miller looks sexy in the second one by the way (don't worry I won't steal him :)

P.S Before you get freaked out, I’m just shy in real life and never told you I found your blog in person. (It’s very good by the way) R£ÐZ = Chase just for further reference.
http://anewideaorjustanoldthought.blogspot.com/ just incase if you ever get bored
Tell Killer Miller I still love him :)

R£DZ said...

Hey, I was just updating my blog and saw you comment. Thanks for letting me use your picture and I would be honored if you would link me to your blog.
Sorry about creeping you out :)
BTW pumpkins... are good times!