Wednesday, March 29, 2006

they vant my blood...

Time:8:15, Thursday morning
I'm going under the needle!
Wish me luck... well pray, lol.
I mentioned to a few friends of mine that I was going to give blood at our school blood drive, their reaction: Why?!?!? Do you get paid or something? I was surprised at their response to something that I was excited to get to do, I thought that they understood that it's not about what we get in return, it is about what we can do to help others.
Sure it may hurt a little bit, (I've never givin blood before and some fellow classmates just had to tell me a few horror stories they've heard about the school's drive) but the one pint of blood that I can give can help up to three people. Could you imagine how much better treatment could be if one out of every three people would donate? It would be unreal how much that little bit could help.


Cole Trickle said...

Morgan i donate as much as possible. Your friends dont know anything there are no horror stories about donating. I like to donate and they love for me too(i have universal blood O negative.) Fake like you passed out though then u get to go home. LOL a little tip for u.

larchmeany said...

Not that it means anything coming from me, but you rock, Morgan! Be proud of your choice to give. It is a piece of cake....speaking of cake, eat as much junk food as they throw at you after you donate...and drink a lot of'll be fine. I think your friends are just trying to dissuade you because they are jealous of your rockedness.

Morgan said...

well i have returned from the blood drive with all of my blood still... i had stoped taking an antibotic over 24 hours, but it's suppose to be 48 hours... I was excited to give, i'm not going to lie i was a little nervous. Thanks for the encouraging words!

Anonymous said...

I'm very proud of you,honey. This time you went to great lengths to get out of class!!! (right,Cole?) Ho-ha! I know that you really wanted to donate, and you will have plenty of opportunities to do that, after your cold is over. Just think if you had not been wearing your flip-flops in the winter weather, you would be one pint short by now!!!!!(just had to say it!)